Store locator with booking appointment

I am looking for store locator maps with booking appointment function for that store. I have 50+ stores list. I wanted a search function for customers to find out nearby his address, and also for that store, a customer should be able to book an appointment online.

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Welcome to the Community, @user17273 :wave:

Interesting suggestion, thanks for sharing! We’ll have it in mind and see for more votes from other users :slightly_smiling_face:

You could add a custom button and link it to calendly or your preferred appointment booker.

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Welcome to the Community, @Jamie_Buttigieg :wave:

Thank you so much for your note! You are right, as a workaround you can add appointment links in the Location details section.

But if this request becomes popular, we’ll try to think about booking feature right in the widget (without redirection) :slightly_smiling_face: