Send only filled fields from form builder

Hi there

Is it possible to send only fille fields in the Form Builder by mail? If you have many selection options and only a few of them are selected, the mail with the summary is very long and confusing.

Take my page as an example:
Foto Mathys-Buffoni
Form Builder as floating pane on the right side (“Foto bestellen”).

Thank you

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Hi there @Dominik1 :wave:

Currently, this functionality isn’t supported in our app, but it’s a great idea. I’ve added it to the Wishlist and if it catches on with the Community, we’ll try to consider it in the future.

Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts :wink:

I argue against this type of setup from a developers point of view - or at least feel it needs to be made selectable per user.

Since there are no webhooks or API endpoints to call results, and the google sheets version changes headers with every submission, some developers may use a parser to parse these emails to gather information. If not every field is sent, even if null, it would essentially make form submissions useless for someone not using Zapier - which is becoming less and less people.

If this feature were individual user selectable, great.


Hi @Bradley_E_Byrd :wave:

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Sure, we do realize that our users have absolutely different use cases and this feature might be considered only as an available choice or just custom solution :slightly_smiling_face: