Select multiple categories

Unable to select multiple categories! Is this possible, as some work relates to two or three categories I have setup.


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Original Votes: 15

Original comment from Sal Frances transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Original comment transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

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Original comment from Виталий СуперАгент transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Original comment transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

I use apps for my blogger account I need in portfolio to add project to more than one category
For example, I want to add a project to the Directing and Composer category, but in this application (portfolio) I cannot only have one category. Can you help me in some way?

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Thank you helga
I hope this feature will be added soon

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i am also looking for same question. thankyou i found this thread.

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It’s great that you found the answer here!
This is the reason why we created this forum, so do come by :hugs:

I would love to be able to select more than one category per project eg. design + copywriting

Sometime projects fall into two categories. Currently we can only choose one. Please allow multiple.

Hi all,

A common sense feature that would make this widget go from being un-usuable to amazingly usable - for my ecommerce business.

A ‘project’ should be able to be organized into multiple categories, not just a single category.

That way I can use the widget to organize my products by use-case, and some products have multiple use cases.


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@TYLER2 thanks a lot for your comment and for sharing your use case!

I agree that an option to choose several categories is a very useful feature, and I’m really sorry we haven’t delivered it yet.

I’ve drawn our dev’s attention to this request, perhaps it will help speed up the process :pray:t2:

Thanks a lot for your help!

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Update: I guess I’ve got good news regarding this feature request! Our dev team have it in their roadmap and are already thinking over the first steps.

We’ll try our best to make it as soon as possible :slight_smile: I’ll keep you updated!


Great news! Please let me know when it’s live!

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Sure thing! :slight_smile:

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Would love this too, the opportunity for a single video to fall in several categories/sub categories.

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We’ll really try to deliver this option as soon as we can! :slight_smile: