Security Of Customer Submitted Info in Forms

Hello, I’m looking to create a form that will collect customer billing details. If a customer submits their credit card info via a form is this information secure?


Hi there, @Oliver_Wassef :wave:

We wanted to caution you against using our widget to collect billing information.

While we ensure the data is securely stored and transferred on our platform, and we never share it with third parties unless the widget owner has set that up, we cannot take responsibility for securely storing billing information, as we are not authorized or certified to do so.

In the future, the collection of billing information may be prohibited in our terms of use, which could lead to the termination of your widget.

We strongly advise against collecting billing information through the widget we provide.

Let me know if this explains things or if you have any questions left :slightly_smiling_face:


Good to know. I’ve removed all billing info fields from my form.

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