RSS Newsletter

Could we find a way to subscribe to a brand newsletter and have them show a RRS that we can publish on a site?

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Hi @Thomas_Sandrin :wave:

Thank you for adding your idea to the Wishlist!

Do you mean an app similar to Mailchimp RSS to Email Feed?

Not really, I will like to be able to sign up to multiple brands newsletter and being able to add them to a RSS(Similar to the RRS feed templates.

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Got it, thanks for sharing the details!

I can’t promise that we’ll definitely release such an app. However, if it is going to gain ground, we’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future updates.

I’ll keep you posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Max,
So, on my site I integrate 2 type of RSS widget:

Brands WatchDNA | Discover the brands latest news – WatchDNA | Connecting a network of jewellers with watch enthusiasts
Media favourite rssfeeds – WatchDNA | Connecting a network of jewellers with watch enthusiasts

I will love to integrate the latest RSS feed to my weekly newsletter.
Similar to what I received from them:

Thank you so much,

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Hi @Thomas_Sandrin :wave:

Unfortunately, the last link is currently unavailable. Could you just a screenshot of your example?

That would be extremely helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you so much!

Let me know if this is possible ?

Or even to add a widget to a newsletter directly?

Unfortunately, there is no way to add widgets directly to the email at the moment.

We’ll try to take your request under consideration in the future, and I’ll make sure to update you here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face: