Reviews: [Major Update] Display images and owner reply in Google reviews! πŸ”₯

An awesome update for all Google reviews owners!

We are super thrilled to announce that now, you can show images along with the business owner reply in our Google Reviews and Google sources of All-in-One Reviews :rocket:

Here is some additional info:

To find the settings, you just need to click on Customize button on the Review tab

If you show images or owner replies in reviews, Read More will open details in a popup

In the popup, you can scroll through all reviews with the images

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This popup is mobile-friendly and applies mobile adaptation when the screen width is 800px or less

For wider review cards, images are aligned in a row

The badge got some improvements: we've added a neat scroll bar and a separator between reviews when the background color is transparent

Guys, are you going to use this feature? Any other ideas or thoughts at this point?


Thank you for this. Superuseful for my widgets. Good job updating the widgets and functionality!

Best regards
Hasan Fransson
CEO and SEO at Raqs.


Sooo happy to hear that, @Hasan_Fransson, many thanks for this lovely comment! :heart_eyes:

Welcome to the community, we’re always here for you in case of any questions or difficulties :slight_smile:

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