My site features a 4 column pricing chart that looks great on desktop. Does anyone know some quick CSS to confine it to mobile proportions? Right not it’s chopping it all up and putting things in random places.
Hello @user628 and welcome aboard the aircraft called Elfsight Community . Please fasten your seat belts
because you are going to be stormed by our friendliness and incredible support
I’ll be happy to help you! Could you please provide me with a direct link to the webpage where the widget is installed?
The pricing table is towards the bottom
Hello @user628!
Thank you for waiting!
I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience it might have caused! Please accept my sincere apologies!
I have forwarded your request to our developers, and hopefully, they will come up with a solution very soon, I’ll keep you updated.
Hey @user628! Great news !
We’ve managed to fix the issue!
Please check it and let me know if you like what you see.
Hey guys,
What was the fix? I’m having the same issue.
Many thanks
@Virtuoso Hi Ryan, happy to welcome you on our forum!
I see that my colleague Marina has already responded to your support ticket and provided a solution.
Just in case, I’m duplicating the CSS code she provided you with here:
.eapps-pricing-table {
z-index: 1;
.eapps-pricing-table * {
float: none !important;
I hope it helped you fix the issue, but if you’ve got any other questions, our community is always here for you