Pricing Table Features Customization

I have a basic pricing table using Icons (checks and Xs). I would like to make the Checks green and the “Xs” Red. It seems I can only change all colors not individual cells.

Hello @user564 and welcome aboard the aircraft called Elfsight Community :airplane:. Please fasten your seat belts :seat: because you are going to be stormed by our friendliness and incredible support :heart_hands:.

I am happy to provide you with a CSS code for changing the color of checks and crosses:

.eapps-pricing-table-column-features-item-icon-checkMarkCircle {
fill: green !important;
.eapps-pricing-table-column-features-item-icon-crossCircle {
    fill: red !important;

Please add this code to the Custom CSS section on the Appearance tab in your widget’s settings and let me know if it helped.


You’re amazing! that works great thank you

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