Change color of all feature icons

Add the code for the need icon to Custom CSS field on your Pricing Table widget’s Appearance tab:

1. Bulb

.es-features-feature-icon-bulb {
  fill: orange !important;

2. Check Mark in the Circle

.es-features-feature-icon-checkMarkCircle {
  fill: green !important;

3. Cross in the Circle:

.es-features-feature-icon-crossCircle {
  fill: red !important;

4. Dash

.es-features-feature-icon-dash {
  fill: violet !important;

5. Dot

.es-features-feature-icon-dot {
  fill: blue !important;

6. Info

.es-features-feature-icon-info {
  fill: blue !important;

7. Like

.es-features-feature-icon-like {
  fill: lightblue !important;

8. Love

.es-features-feature-icon-love {
  fill: magenta !important;

9. Check Mark

.es-features-feature-icon-check {
  fill: green !important;

10. Cross

.es-features-feature-icon-cross {
  fill: red !important;

11. Dash in the Circle

.es-features-feature-icon-dashCircle {
  fill: violet !important;

12. Plus

.es-features-feature-icon-plus {
  fill: tomato !important;

13. Plus in the Circle

.es-features-feature-icon-plusCircle {
  fill: tomato !important;

14. Star

.es-features-feature-icon-star {
  fill: yellow !important;

15. Stop

.es-features-feature-icon-stop {
  fill: red !important;

Thanks for this!


It’s awesome that the code helped you, @user11164!

Fee free to check out other threads or ask questions here, we’re always happy to help :hugs:


A post was split to a new topic: Change color of all feature icons