Release Notes: February 2023

Hello Elfsighters :wave:

February has come to an end, meaning it’s time to summarize our achievements :face_with_monocle:

New Features/Updates :rocket:

Other achievements :medal_sports:

Guys, thank you for sticking with us :heart:

We go all out to improve our service, but is there anything you’d like to be changed in the near future? You are very welcome to share any ideas :raised_hands:


Great stuff!

Question: How close are we to giving the calendar app the functionality of repeatable sequences and other features similar to Google calendar?

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Thank you for your kind comment, and welcome to the community, @JC_Brushfire! :heart_eyes:

Great question! We have some good news regarding the request for more flexible repeat options, you can find it here in our Wishlist: More flexible event repeat options - #66 by Helga

Feel free to check out other ideas or offer your own ones, we’re always happy to hear from you and consider your suggestions :slight_smile:

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