Radio stream audio player

when connecting my stream to the widget, it shows live, but no volume, my stream link is from as i said it plays, shows live but no volume…

can anyone help?

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Hi Aran and welcome to the forum. No sense having an audio player without sound. This is likely an easy fix for the staff. They’re pretty good at fixing these issues. They’ll be with you real soon.


Hey there @Aran_Walter and welcome aboard :wave:

I see that my colleagues Apollonia and Viktoria have already reached to you in support tickets. As they said, the URL you’ve added as the source to your Radio Player widget is not a media link, and our widget supports only media links.

There’s also this link you attached to your request, but it’s not playable in the browser window. Please share the URL of your radio station with Apollonia or Viktoria and specify which stream you’d like to use as the source. They’ll be happy to assist :slightly_smiling_face:

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