Radio player isn't visible in preview mode

  • Issue description:
    In Elfsight build radio player widget, after embeded code pasting to Hostinger Website builder, Im not able to see the widget in preview mode, but it is working live on my mobile. I have the oposite problem, can make not any updates in preview, but it is visible on hot page (only from mobile) after saving the changes.
    I have done all thing like flusshing the dns server, etc.
    Thank You for Your help
  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
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Hi there, @Igor_Krupa and welcome to the Community :wave:

I’ve shared your request with the devs and will get back to you tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for waiting, @Igor_Krupa!

The widget is installed inside an iframe container, and the height of that container is controlled by a CSS variable. On desktop, that variable is set to zero, which is why the widget isn’t visible.

To fix the issue, we need temporary access to your website’s backend. I see that you’ve also opened a support ticket.

My colleague Irene will contact you there soon and provide the info on how to share the access :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, we communicate together and I send all infos, she was asking for.

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