Questions abiut Team Showcase App - Need answers ASAP!

  1. Is it possible to have Team Showcase put all my members in aplhabetical order as we add them? Is it already an option? Is there a CSS code i can apply?

  2. Can I upload members from a CSV file?

  3. Can I download a CSV file of team member profile information?


Hi there, @Sydney_Jones :wave:

  1. Unfortunately, the only workaround is to manually place the members in the needed order. However, we already have a request for the alphabetical sorting, and you can upvote it here - Have the ability to sort the entries Alphabetically

2-3. The bulk import of members and their profile info isn’t supported in our app either, but we have a request for this on the Wishlist - Import a list of our team members.

Let me know if you have any questions left or any assistance is needed. I’ll be happy to advise :wink:


Thank you SO MUCH for the quick reply!!!

Yes, I’d like to be able to add custom feilds for member information to be displayed

Also, is there an option or code I can apply to have member information be displayed as is, or to have it as an optional drop down from the member photo?

This is INCREDIBLY helpful! Thank you so much!!


For example… for custom feilds…

  1. Member Last Name, First Name
  2. Spouce (optional field)
  3. Desert Address
  4. Birthday
  5. Away Address
  6. Cell
  7. Home Phone (optional)
  8. Email
  9. Any additional fields I can add to customize further (if possible), but these are the must haves!

And. . . for addresses, i’d like to be able to add a whole address, not just a location of City or State. If possible

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Could you please specify which custom field you’d like to add to the member info? I’ll be happy to check if there is a way to customize it with the Custom CSS code.

As for the dropdown option, currently the member info appears in the popup when clicking on the image:

If it’s not what you’d like to achieve, could you please provide more details on the dropdown option you’d like to achieve? A screenshot of the expected result would be much appreciated :blush:


Sure! I will try to get an example of the drop down option I am thinking of as soon as I can.

As for the custom feild example…

  1. Member Last Name, First Name
  2. Spouce (optional field)
  3. Desert Address
  4. Birthday
  5. Away Address
  6. Cell
  7. Home Phone (optional)
  8. Email
  9. Any additional fields I can add to customize further (if possible), but these are the must haves!

And. . . for addresses, i’d like to be able to add a whole address, not just a location of City or State. If possible.

And… I’d like to have the option to fully display these pieces of information under each member photo if possible. Or have the option from the back end to have it minimized with a “see more” option button.

Maybe? :crazy_face:


I’ll check it with the devs and will update you a bit later :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you so so much!! :blush:


Oh! Another question… is there a limit as to how many member profiles I can create?



@Sydney_Jones There are no limits on the number of members that can be added to the widget.

Regarding your request, unfortunately, it’s impossible to add custom fields below the image and expand them on click.

However, most of the mentioned fields are already available in the widget: Name, Phone, Email, Location.

You can use other fields as an alternative to your fields. For example, you can enter the spouse in the Position field and all the other info can be placed in the Biography section:

Thus, this is the only workaround for now. Please try it out and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face: