Pull Open Graph fields when sharing event

When sharing the URL of a specific event it would be nice to include Title, Description, Image and any other event details that are relevant. Currently it only pulls the meta data from the parent page that the events are on.

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Hi @Dave_12 :wave:

I completely get where you are coming from. We will try to think this opportunity over and hopefully, we’ll be able to implement it in one of the future updates.

A huge thank you for adding your request and welcome to Community :heart:

If someone wants to share one of our events on facebook - the link wont grab the picture from the event - and it will not refer to the event in the link - but just refer to the main page. Is there a way of making that happend?
Kind regards Henrik

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Welcome to Elfsight family @Dave_12 :wave:

I completely share your point and glad to tell you that we already have a similar request in our Wishlist.

I’ve merged your comment with that idea. We’ll keep you posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us!