Podcast Player - Show the Episode Cover Art

Hey guys… I LOVE the Podcast Player, but it would be great for the Cover Art to match the Episodes. Right now, it seems like it keeps the one static image, but since many of us create separate cover art per Episode, that would be nice for that to change up top when someone clicks the Episode.

This again is for the Podcast Player that pulls our RSS Feed.

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Hey there @Ray_Doustdar and welcome aboard :wave:

Glad to tell you that you can do this! Just remove the cover image from your widget and the images for each episode will be displayed instead.

Please check it and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Max… WOW, that was amazing. I really appreciate you letting me know that, and I have implemented that change. Perfcet. Looking forward to using your great tools more. Very well done.


No problem! You are always welcome :wink: