Please create this customer effect in the Logo Ticker/ Carousel or can you give me the Code

An example would be as seen here

and the visual example of what I’m trying to emulate can be seen here on the attached screenshot from this website which I believe uses is a wordpress plug-in.

Can you please make a custom code CSS for this “effect” that is I found that I’m trying emulate for the logo ticker/ carousel.

This effect makes the carousel look so much nicer because the images overlay each other like a partial accordian, so there is more room for the quotes or images and looks visually fantastic.

EXAMPLE: can be seen on the home page of this website about 8

inches down.

I also attached a screenshot .

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Hi there, @Jennifer_Yosowitz :wave:

I am really sorry, but it’s impossible to customize the widget this way. If this idea gets more votes from others, we’ll try to think it over in the future :slightly_smiling_face: