Please correct the translation in Polish in {{time}} function

Please correct the translation in Polish. Notation {{time}} 3m - in Polish it means 3 meters. It should read: “3 min.” or “3 minutes”

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Hi @Janusz_Korczak :wave:

Glad to let you know that you can manually change it in the Language section on the Settings tab:

Could you please check it and let me know if it helped?

Thank you for contacting me very quickly. I’m very impressed :slight_smile:

Please correct the translation (opois in the attached file)
and I still have a few minor problems with the displayed texts.

Please correct the translations of the days of the week in Polish according to the correct spelling:

Monday => Poniedziałek
Tuesday => Wtorek
Wednesday => Środa
Thursday => Czwartek
Friday => Piątek
Saturday => Sobota
Sunday => Niedziela

Overall, I really like the idea of ​​the addition!!! It’s great and will be permanently available on our website Bravo for the idea


Janusz Korczak • Właściciel

DRUKPRESS Korczak i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna

m. +48 508 141 020 | t. +48 33 875 94 83 w. 207
e. | w.
a. 34-120 Andrychów, ul. Garncarska 37

Max Support Specialist
October 27
Hi @Janusz_Korczak
Glad to let you know that you can manually change it in the Language section on the Settings tab:

Could you please check it and let me know if it helped?
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@Janusz_Korczak Thank you for you!

I’ve shared your request with our devs and will let you know once any news come up. As for the incorrect translation in the attached file, unfortunately, I don’t see any files attached.

Could you please share a screenshot of what you mean?

Our devs are working on correcting the translation for the days of the week. I’ll let you know once everything is done.

As a temporary solution, you can use this CSS code. Just add it to the Custom CSS field on the Style tab:

[class*="schedule-item__Title-sc"] {
  display: none;

[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  display: block;


[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  content: 'Poniedziałek';


[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  content: 'Wtorek';


[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  content: 'Środa';


[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  content: 'Czwartek';


[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  content: 'Piątek';


[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  content: 'Sobota';


[class*="schedule-item__Title"]:after {
  content: 'Niedziela';