Pass null/unused fields in outputs

Currently when posting to google sheets, each submission changes the headers. Therefore if using conditional field visibility the submissions can’t be accurately tallied as if someone chooses a different option and a field isn’t visible to them, it changes the header on the google sheets form and makes no sense for previous submissions. This is a fatal flaw.

I believe that all fields should be passed through to Google Sheets, even if they are blank, so that all submissions line up. This also opens up the possibility of passing hidden information from fields that are hidden but prefilled by query parameters such as name and email address.

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Hi there @Bradley_E_Byrd :wave:

Thank you for the feedback!

I’ve tested the widget and couldn’t replicate the issue described. Here is my test form:

I’ve used the conditional logic for the 2nd question (it appears if the answer to the 1st question is yes). I’ve chosen “No” for the 1st question, and the empty field for the 2nd question has been pulled to my spreadsheet:

Could you please elaborate on your specific case and share a screenshot/ video screencast of how it works on your end?

I’ll gladly look into this for you :slightly_smiling_face: