October 2024 Challenge: Our winners

Hello friends! :wave:

The October Challenge has officially come to a close, and we’re thrilled to announce our winners! Your creativity blew us away, and reading through your slogans was an absolute pleasure.

As always, picking just five winners was the toughest part, but here they are:

:medal_sports: @Ondrej_Pernica

:medal_sports: @Mark_Daniel

:medal_sports: @Sina

:medal_sports: @Dennis_R

:medal_sports: @Dinier_Quiros

Big congrats to our winners, and huge thanks to everyone who joined in! :heart:

Keep an eye out for a message about your prize — I’ll contact you within the day! :wink:


Congrats!! We loved reading your masterpieces, and it was super tough to pick just 5 slogans! Thank you so much for taking part in our challenge, see you in the next one! :smiling_face:


Thank you very much. I’m happy. :hugs: :hugs: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :muscle: :muscle: