Need help with Google review on wordpress

Hi there
I have just put the google review on a word press site.
It has appeared ok but I want to create a border and move it down the page but the admin page is in ‘blocks’ and i dont know how to do either - can someone help

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Hello @Greg2! We are so happy to see that you’ve joined our Community! Welcome :heart: :tada:

I am so sorry that you’ve experienced difficulties using our app.

I’ve checked your website and see that the widget is already at the bottom of the page:

If you want to put it lower, please provide me with a screenshot of the exact place.

As for the borders, I’ve added this CSS code to the Custom CSS section on the Appearance tab of your widget settings:

[class^="ReviewBackground__Container-sc"] {
  border: 2px solid #CCCCCC;
  margin-bottom: 5px;


Could you please check it and let me know if you like what you see?