More trigger options

i need that the popup trigger show on very pages until you close it, but is only neccesary to close one time per session.

For example: i visit my home or any page from website at first time and the popup is displaying, is ok, if i click on another webpage, the popup wolud be display too because i’ve not close the popup before on the previous page.

On trigger show everytimes: The popup displays always on every page, closing the popup before or not.

On trigger show once: The popup display only at the first page, if you change webpage and not close the popup, the popup does not display

i need that the popup display when i navigate from my website and i not closing it

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Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 6

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We have added an additional 'Show every time until I close it’Frequency! :tada:

This is how you will find it:

  1. Go to your widget’s Display tab
  2. Find Frequency tab
  3. Choose Show every time, until I close it option

Check this and other features in our Popup online demo (Popup - Add responsive Popup widget to your website (free and fast)) !

You are welcome to share your thoughts regarding this feature in the comments section :blush:

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