'Meet your Peers' Thread! [music]

Hey guys :wave:

You were really active in our previous “Question of the week”, which makes us happy :top:

It’s such a pleasure to get to know each other better and even learn something new from you.

You are the best :heart:

And now it’s time for the question of the week:

What is your favorite music band, singer or song :musical_note:? What song do you assoсiate with Elfsight Community? Are there any musicians among you :drum: :guitar:?

Please do not hesitate to share your ideas :wink:

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As for me, I am just fond of music, can’t live without it. I prefer alternative rock, so my favorite bands are Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Imagine Dragons and something like this.

I tried to single out my favorite song, but it’s so difficult :grinning:. So, top-3 songs from me:

  1. Wiz Khalifa - See you again

  2. Linkin Park - Numb

  3. Eminem - Not afraid

Sometimes I play guitar, but, unfortunately, there isn’t much free time for this.

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Oh, music has always been something special and infinite for me :heart_eyes:

I used to be very into alternative rock just like @Max, and one of my favourite bands was Linkin Park as well! I’m still keen on different types of rock, including heavy metal, but not that passionately any longer :slight_smile:

I play the piano :heart: and try to learn to play the guitar, but the results are pathetic thus far :sweat_smile:

I wouldn’t be able to pick just one genre of music or band/artist. However, Sound and Audio Production is a hobby and passion of mine. Thanks to the widgets elfsight offers, i am able to use my website to show case my interest and talents:



@RNG, thank you so much for sharing!! :heart_eyes: And Welcome to our forum, of course :hugs:

It’s fantastic to meet talented people here, and your music is just awesome! I envy people who can compose music, and I wish you inspiration and a lot of fans!

Really great that our Audio Player widget helps you share your music with others! :heart_eyes: