Logo Showcase Widget not showing on website or preview

  • Issue description:
    Not seeing the logo showcase widget this morning on our landing pages. We have been using the same widget for the past year with no issues. It does not appear on any of our marketing pages and this affects our email marketing sends. We have a few versions with different logos and none of them seem to work. The space where the widget is appears blank.

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:

  • https://www.go.global.utexas.edu/

  • Coding for Web | The Global Career Accelerator

A few examples but it is affecting about 30 pages or so. The gray banner is where the logos should be. We are not near our view limit or see other issues with our account.

Submitted a ticket already but trying to see if this is a wider issue since we are on a timeline for marketing sends.

Thank you

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Hi @Danny_Greer, happy to welcome you to our community! :raised_hands:t2:

I see that my colleagues from the Support Team have already resolved the issue for you, and the widget works find now (I’ve double-checked, it’s all good on my end).

I hope everything will be good from now on, but we’re always here if any questions or issues come up :blush: