Limit number of events displayed in event slider

For this I’m using the slider view attribute in another embed block. Problem is I can’t limit the number of events the slider will display, nor can I force it to start at the next upcoming event. I can however use the date filter but this would require me to manually go in each week or month to set a new range. The date filter attribute in the embed code is not dynamic in a way that I can just put “next 7” or something.

Waiting for an update on the request to either have the slider start from the next upcoming event when filtered, limit it to the next X number of events, or a way to dynamically set the date filter attribute in the embed. Either of these options will help accomplish what you’re asking about.

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@Larry_Brazil I’ll discuss with the devs if it’s possible to set the limit for the number of events and will get back to you tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face: