Limit amount of posts retrieved

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On my site I only want to show the 5 latest instagram posts.
But now it retrieves them all.
I want to limit the amount of posts that are retrieved.

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@user3593 welcome to the community, happy to have you join! :slight_smile:

I’ve checked your widget and see that you’ve set custom columns to 3, so only 3 posts are displayed at a time now.

Did it resolve the issue you described, or do you want to restrict the widget to show only 3 latest posts in total, so there is no option to see more of them?

I indeed want to be able to restrict the widget to only show the 3 latest for example, or the latest 5.
So there is no option to see more.

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Got it, thank you @user3593!

We’ll try to think about this option, I’ll be happy to post here if I have any news :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help!

For example, we would need to put the last three linkedin posts and the last three instagram posts.

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Hi there @Digital_Identity_SRL :wave:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

We already have a similar idea in the Wishlist! I’ve moved your comment to the related thread where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

Can I customize the filter to show only the most recent post? Can you share the list of classes for source filter?

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Hi there @i2_Company_Limited :wave:

Currently, it’s impossible to set the number of latest posts to display. I am really sorry!

I’ve checked your widget and see that you’ve added 3 sources: Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.

As a workaround for Instagram and Facebook, you can choose the Date filter. It allows you to show posts after a certain date:

image image

For the LinkedIn source, the only solution is to use the Show specific posts filter and always change the links when the new posts appear:


We understand that the proposed option is not entirely convenient, but unfortunately, it is the only solution at the moment. We will try to consider the option to set the number of posts to display in the future.

I’ll keep you posted here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face:

Should have kept the Date as AND not OR , to work with the filters
So you could control number posts from a date and with filter . Cant see the use case for why you would have a Date or a filter. Or at least it should be option to have AND / OR Date .