Limit amount of posts retrieved

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On my site I only want to show the 5 latest instagram posts.
But now it retrieves them all.
I want to limit the amount of posts that are retrieved.

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@user3593 welcome to the community, happy to have you join! :slight_smile:

I’ve checked your widget and see that you’ve set custom columns to 3, so only 3 posts are displayed at a time now.

Did it resolve the issue you described, or do you want to restrict the widget to show only 3 latest posts in total, so there is no option to see more of them?

I indeed want to be able to restrict the widget to only show the 3 latest for example, or the latest 5.
So there is no option to see more.

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Got it, thank you @user3593!

We’ll try to think about this option, I’ll be happy to post here if I have any news :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help!