I’d like a leaderboard or chart rank style app. Similar to the Weekly Leaderboard you have on the community forum homepage.
@Mark_Williamson happy to see you in our community, welcome!
Thank you very much for sharing your idea, I love our Leaderboard app, so I get your point
But for me to understand your idea of such an app better, could you please describe your use case and what you expect this app to be able to do?
Many thanks for your help!
I run a lot of events and would like to be able to add them to my web page so people can follow along and see where they are standing. Not sure if there is another widget that can be used for this like a menu perhaps? I have used something called “keep the score” and have been able to plug it into my website for now, just hard to do sometimes. A good example is on my web page: Outdoor Fun – Ravalli Fun Center
Hi @Knut
This is a really cool suggestion but pretty much difficult to implement, too. However, We’ll keep your idea in mind and try to consider it in our future updates. All the updates will be posted here
Thank you very much for adding your request!
I would like to invite you to think about creating a “Rating List” widget.
Sometimes we need to create a rating list of something. It could be a rating of stores, films, teams, etc. And it would be interesting to have wide options for setting criteria for distributing places on the list
For example, I want to create a team rating. Each team has different statuses in different criteria. And by combining all this data, an overall rating of teams can be compiled. According to the settings, this widget can be correlated with the widget “Event calendar”
Visual example 1 (But I would like to do it more beautifully and with effects):
Visual example 2 (But I would like to do more criteria/statuses):
I am ready to participate in the creation of this widget
Hi @Tender_S
Great idea! I am not sure if we are able to release such a use case in the near future. However, if this request is going to gain ground, we’ll try to think it over
Thank you so much for your help and engagement. It’s highly appreciated!
I want a rank widget + account make/inlog widget to give accounts ranks and to create and login to your account
Hi there,
Thanks for adding your idea!
It would be great if you could provide more details on your use case. Do you want to combine these 2 functionalities in 1 app? How the ranking process should be handled? What features/settings are must have for this app? Do you have an example of an app with similar functionality?
I mean I want the 2 features combined in one app that customers can inlog or create a account and the owner can give customers that have a account a rank and other things like leaderboard
Got it, thanks!
We can’t promise that such an app will be released. However, if it gets more votes from the community, we’ll try to think about it
please add a leader bord
We already have a similar suggestion on the Wishlist. I’ve merged your comment with the existing request, where we’ll keep you posted