Instead of LOAD MORE button, I would like the gallery paginated

Similar to this:
Villa Moonstone.

I do not want photos loading and adding to the gallery’s size on the page, I want to keep a set number of images on the page. Just have the next lot replace the old lot.

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Happy to see new faces around here! Welcome @Jimmy_Wilkins :wave:

I got your point and agree that it would be great to have a pagination instead of Load More button for Grid layout. We’ll try to consider this opportunity in our future enhancements :slightly_smiling_face:

As a workaround, you can try using Columns layout that may suit your case:

In the columns layout, the photos are too cropped.
I also need more that one row.

I need pagination arrows (or something similar) on Grid or Masonry for the Gallery to be of use.

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Got your point! We’ll try our best to think it over, and I’ll make sure to update you here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face: