How come there is no way to provide a download link?

When I create a form, there is no way to offer a download. I want to be able to exchange a free file/folder in exchange for customer’s email address.

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Hi @user260 :wave:

Happy to tell you that you can do this right in the widget editor! Just click on the Post-Submit Action section on the Setting tab, then choose Redirect to URL and add a download link there:


Could you please follow these steps and let me know if it worked for you?

This is the issue I’m running into now, now that I have a download link from google drive

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The google drive link works when I copy and paste it into my browser, so I’m not sure what the issue is.

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Hi there @user260 :wave:

I’ve tried to submit the form from the widget configurator and everything worked fine. Also, I’ve checked the webpage from your screenshot and haven’t found the widget there.

Could you please restore it? I’ll be happy to look into this for you :slightly_smiling_face: