Hide sidebar on desktop and location list on mobile

Add this code to the Custom CSS field on the Style tab of your Store Locator widget’s settings:

.global-styles, [class*="layout__Sidebar-sc"] {
display: none !important;

@media (width <= 480px) {
[class*="mobile-layout__Container-sc"] [class*="FloatingButton__FloatingButtonContainer-sc"] {
display: none !important;

[class*="mobile-layout__MapContainer-sc"] {
display: block;

[class*="mobile-layout__Directory-sc"] {
height: auto;

it this possible to leave this as an option for the user (to hide side bar or not) ?

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Hi @user19335 :wave:

It’s hard to quickly add it as an option in the settings. However, we have a request for this on the Wishlist - Add settings to remove location list.

If this idea gets more votes, we’ll try to consider this option in the future :slightly_smiling_face: