Hide map in calendars

  • Issue description:

Event Location (Conference Schedule) is in an Exhibit Hall, or other Room at Convention Hall, Google maps looks for "exhibit hall B’ and generates a random location. Possible to get a class to hide this map and directions. I tried:

.eapp-events-calendar-popup-item-mapContainer {
display: none !important;
.eapp-events-calendar-popup-location-content{ display: none !important;}

But that did not work…

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Hey @David_Crockett, welcome to the Community! :wave:

Here is the CSS code for hiding the maps and WHERE section in the popup:

.eapp-events-calendar-popup-item-location {
  display: none !important;
.eapp-events-calendar-popup-item-mapContainer {
  display: none !important;

I’ve added this code to your widget, however, to apply the changes to your website, you need to publish the changes in your widget settings :raised_hands:

Please let me know if this code helps.

Amazing!! Thank you!