Hidden from Vimeo videos don't show up

Unfortunately, this is not working for me. Only my public videos are showing up. Despite every effort, it just does not work and the “hide from Vimeo” videos will not show up. I’ve tried setting these videos to embed anywhere or just storage.elfsight.com, I’ve tried deleting the “share” part of the Vimeo URL, I’ve tried connecting albums, connecting individual videos, etc. Nothing works. Please note, I have the standalone Vimeo gallery widget, not the full suite of widgets. Is there any difference?

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Hey there @user13822 :wave:

The correct domain is static.elfsight.com, but not storage.elfsight.com. Could you please double-check it and let me know if it helped?

Sorry, I am indeed definitely using static.elfsight.com! I just copied that other URL from another post, but I have 100% been using the correct URL and it will not work despite every effort. The “hide from Vimeo” videos will not show up, whether the embed settings are set to allow the “static” URL or to allow any website.

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Got it, thanks!

Just to make sure whether you’ve completed all steps: have you tried to clear the cache via the DevTools?

I have no access to Devtools! Please note I’m subscribed to the Vimeo gallery widget only, not the full suite of widgets. I can’t find anyway to access devtools from my view of the platform. Is there a way? Thanks

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This feature should work both for standalone plans and pack, and even for free plans.

Firstly, you need to reconnect your widget. After reconnecting, the videos may not show up right away in the widget due to a 6-hour caching period.

To clear the cache, you should open DevTools. To open DevTools, right-click the website where the widget is installed or just the configurator (widget editor) and choose Inspect.

After that, go to the Application tab, expand IndexedDB, delete Vimeo GalleryCache, and refresh the page

Please try it out and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max. Unfortunately, the devtools cache reset did not work. but, I found that if I set a video to “public” and then added it to my widget and then afterwards set it to “hide from Vimeo,” it seems to work and stay visible in the widget. I’m just not sure if it will disappear after the cache refreshes. For now I’m leaving my videos public, but I do need to switch them back to “hide from Vimeo” soon, due to agreements I have with my clients. And on that note, can you please remove the image of my website you posted in your last comment in this thread? Thank you!

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Hi @user13822 :wave:

Got you, the screenshot of the widget is removed!

Regrading the issue, I see that my colleague Anna has forwarded your request to the devs. She’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face: