Google Logo not displaying correctly in mobile screen size

Hello, the all in one reviews app doesn’t seem to display the google logo correctly in mobile mode? It does look correct in elfsight, and even in my website editor Squarespace, but when I view it on my actual mobile (iPhone 11 Pro) there is a white space over the google logo.

The app is elfsight-app-00bc6d50-c4f5-413b-83c0-51655450a0ef

The website is

Screengrabs attached.

Hi @Matthew, I’m so sorry for this issue!

I’ve already passed it over to the dev team so that they look into it, I’ll get back to you once I have a solution :raised_hands:t2:

@Matthew thank you for waiting!

We’ve fixed the issue by adding the following CSS code to your widget Custom CSS field:

.es-header-title-logo g {
  clip-path: none !important;

Could you please check it now? Let me know if everything’s fine :slight_smile: