File Embed - the PDF finename should keep it original name and not be renamed automatically in for example 1010-4627-82ac-6fb63f8eb329.pdf )

Its pretty clumsy that File Embed renames PDF uploads. So for example a file called “File_Embed_Manual.pdf” is automatically renamed in something like "

6ba8b0b6-1010-4647-82ac-3fb63f8eb329.pdf". Clients who download such weird names can never find it back on their computer. Hope this can be fixed in a future version.

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Original Votes: 9

Dear friends,

We’re beyond happy to say that uploaded file original name now gets kept! :tada:

Now you don’t need to worry about your files being encoded :slightly_smiling_face:

Feel free to test the widget out in our PDF Embed online demo (PDF Viewer widget - Embed any PDF Files to your Website (free and fast)) !

And don’t hesitate to share your feedback in the comments, we’ll be happy to hear from you!