FAQs: Add "_parent" to target options for links

“_parent” should be added to FAQ hyperlink settings. When the FAQ is imbedded in a site, you don’t necessarily (or even usually) want links to open in a new tab (and certainly not in the iframe itself). Editing them manually is a pain (wordwrap sure would be nice in the HTML editor, btw) and over the head of some staff.


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Hi there @Rachel3 :wave:

If I got you right, you just want to have an option to choose how to open links (same/new tab).
We see that it would be a great enhancement, and we’ll try to think about it in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

However, if I misunderstood you, please elaborate on your idea.

Also, you’ve mentioned that you don’t want the links to be opened in the iframes. I’ve checked your account and see that your widget is installed on Wix website, which is built on iframes.

Glad to to tell you that we’ve found a way to install widgets avoiding iframes - Installing Elfsight widget on Wix avoiding iFrame - Elfsight Help Center

Check it out and let me know if it helped :wink:

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Correct. Right now the only options are no target specified (which means the link opens in the iframe iteself, which obviously isn’t want you want) and “new tab”. When it’s imbedded as an iframe, you have to go in an manually change the target=“_new” to target=“_parent” to make it function like a normal link.

And thank you for the non-iframe trick! Will definitely do.

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Got it!

We’ll have this idea in mind, and I’ll make sure to update here in case of any changes :slightly_smiling_face: