Event Calendar: Hide events instead of deleting

Long awaited option is here!

Now, you can hide your events if you don’t need them in your widget for a little while.

You will find this option on your widget Content tab → choose the event → Actions → Hide:

Screenshot 11-28-2022 12.31.11

How do you find this option, guys? Do share your feedback :slight_smile:


Great addition. I was just about to delete an event that has been postponed due to bad weather. Now I can just hide it and change the date when it is re-confirmed! Thank you!

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Awesome to hear that this option came in handy!! Thanks a lot for sharing with us, @user1559! :heart_eyes:

In case you have other ideas on how we could enhance this app, feel welcome to leave them in our Wishlist: Event Calendar - Elfsight Community. We’re happy to consider and release the features you’re waiting for :wink: