Email copy of the form to the person completing it

I have forms being completed every week by people on my site, who add their own email address on the form, and would like a copy emailed to them. I know I can send a copy of the email once i’ve recieved it, but it would be great if the copy I get from Elfsight, was also automatically sent to the email address on the form

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Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 6

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Thanks a lot for your suggestion!

I agree it would be much more convenient to have the copy sent to your clients automatically. We’ll try our best to consider this option for our future updates.

And if you have any other thoughts or ideas on how to make this option as convenient as possible, please do write them in the comments section :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for your help!

Helga, Community Manager

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Original comment from Benjamin Westry transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

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Original comment from Dott. Luca Neri transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

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I run a football score guessing game using Elfsight for friends to enter their ‘guesses’ and some add their email adddress if they want a copy emailed to them. Currently I have to do that but would it be possible if the friends have added their email address, for the Notification I get from Elfsight to be sent to them automatically as well…

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Have option to send a copy of the completed form to the user if they have given an email address.

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When client is filling out the form, the form is sent to the administrator but also the client should get a copy of the submission.


Is there already a solution in sight here?


@Dominik1 I’m afraid not yet, but you’re welcome to vote for this feature in order to subscribe for the updates and make this request stand out :slight_smile:

This request is in the Wishlist category now, and we’ll try our best to consider it for our future updates.

And yes, welcome to the community! :tada:

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Hello guys,

I’m super happy to say that we’ve just released an Auto-response feature along with the option to send a copy of the form to the user! It is already in your Form Builder widgets.

You will find this option in your widget Email tab → Notify Respondents → Autoresponder Email.

You’re welcome to add the files IDs to the message in order to send the copy of the message to the user:

We’ll be happy to hear from you, so feel free to leave your feedback in the comments :slight_smile:

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Would it be possible to display the “Form-data” in the completion message? This would allow to confirm to the user the information entered in the form as a summary.


Would it be possible to send a validation of the completion of the form by email to the sender containing the information entered.

Thanks to you,

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@Sony, I’ve moved your message to this thread, I hope you’ll find this update useful! :slight_smile:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: It is necessary to be able to send emails from the elfsight form with a customer domain or at least from a White Label domain and not from