Create secondary filtered widgets that pull from main event widget

Create a second widget that will automatically populate a particular “event type” from the main widget so I can embed on a separate webpage. I have made one widget of our upcoming events that will go on the EVENTS page of our church. But I’d love to be able to show all the Kids Events at the bottom of the Kids page, or the Women’s events at the bottom of the Women’s page without having to recreate those events in a separate widget.

This could also be accomplished by allowing a narrowed filter of a particular event type to be embedded on a page too without showing all event types.

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Hi there @user12815 :wave:

Happy to tell you that you can do this with the pre-selected filters option! You just need to add the different filter attributes to your widget’s installation code.

Here is the example of the installation code for the Kids page:

<script src="" data-use-service-core defer></script>
<div class="elfsight-app-WIDGET_ID" data-elfsight-app-lazy data-elfsight-app-filter-event-type="Kids"></div>

And here is the example of the code for the Women’s page:

<script src="" data-use-service-core defer></script>
<div class="elfsight-app-WIDGET_ID" data-elfsight-app-lazy data-elfsight-app-filter-event-type="Women"></div>

Note: Do not forget to replace WIDGET_ID with the ID of your own widget.

Check it out and let me know if it worked for you :wink:

YAY!!! Thank you!

Heidi McDowell
Communications Director
Constance Free Church


Great! You are always welcome :wink:

In the meantime, we would also be so grateful if you could look through the Event Calendar category in the Wishlist and vote for your favorite ideas.

This would help us set the priorities and move in the right direction!

Is is possible to use multiple event types with the attribute?

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Hi @Larry_Brazil :wave:

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to set several conditions for one filter. Now, you can only select different filters at once.

Please let me know if this explains things or if you have any further questions :slightly_smiling_face:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Need To Add Custom Filters