Create an account


I would like to create an account with email address and password. But when I click on “create an account” I don’t get the option to enter an email address and password. I only have the option to log in with a Google or Facebook account. But I don’t want to do that. Can someone help me please?

Thanks a lot

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Hi Petra, and welcome to Elfsight. Customer service here is excellent so someone will be helping you with your issue soon.


Hi @Petra_Resch :wave:

We are happy to greet you in our Community! Welcome :heart:

I see that my colleague Dasha has already contacted you. Dash checked our database and found that you have successfully created an account associated with office@a*** and you’ve set up a WhatsApp Chat widget there.

If the issue still persists on your side, please contact Dasha. She’ll be happy to advsie.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face:


How can i contact Dasha?

Have a great day too.


@Petra_Resch Dasha has contacted at your email via support ticket that you’ve opened on May 13. So, you just need to check your inbox and reply to her message.

However, if any difficulties come up, you can get back to me and I’ll be happy to help :slightly_smiling_face: