Create a page and add all my selected widgets to it

As a web developer, I would love to be able to create a page and place all my selected widgets on one page, then save it as a page widget. This would significantly streamline our website development workflow, enabling us to deliver high-quality solutions to our clients more efficiently.


Hi there, @Cloyd_Valencia :wave:

Do I get it right that you’d like to add all the widgets to the page right away, instead of adding each widget separately?


Yes, this is a huge help in making it easier to edit a web page, because right now the widgets are scattered, and to know which page they’re connected to, you need to put the page name to the widget name.

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@Cloyd_Valencia Just to clear things up: you’d like to place all the widgets that will be installed on a specific page in one place in the dashboard, right?

Something like folders, for example, Page A folder includes widgets installed on Page A, Page B folder has widgets place on Page B. Is that what you mean?

Not like that, what I mean is, if possible, can I group together the widgets I want to place on a single web page? For example: the ‘About Us’ page is just one page, but I want to create the about us page on elfsight itself by creating a page and adding multiple widgets to it. Once I’m done, I’d like to save that page as a single widget, get the code, and have multiple widgets attached to it, all wrapped up in one code snippet.

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Now I got your idea, thanks for sharing the details!

I am afraid this is quite a tall order at the moment. But, who knows, if more users upvote this idea, we might think it over in the future :slightly_smiling_face: