Copy Columns between Pricing Tables

I have 2 sets of pricing tables, Development & Production. I want to easily copy tables between these two sets of pricing tables for testing purposes. That way I can instantly switch between them for testing purposes.

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@David_Simpson got your idea, thanks a lot for sharing it with us!

I see that it would be really convenient to copy columns across different Pricing Table widgets, so I hope our devs will give it a go in one of the nearest updates. Especially if other users support your idea :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help and welcome to the community! We’re always here for you, so don’t hesitate to ask questions or ask for support :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Duplicate Pricing Table widget

Hey everyone who upvoted this idea!

We are happy to say that now you can copy/move columns to another tables!!!

If you want to move the column from one table to another one, click on 3 dots next to the needed column, select Move to and choose the table where you’d like to move it:

If you wish to copy the column to another table, you should duplicate it first and then move:

Guys, currently, this feature is available only in the widgets created after this release. However, the good news is that we can manually update your existing widgets on our end :slightly_smiling_face:

Check this post for more details - Pricing Table: [MAJOR UPDATE] Horizontal layout, Crossed out price + 8 new features! :zap: