Convert a PDF to a digital flipbook

It would be great to get a widget where you can upload a PDF document and turn it into a flipbook, and embed it to your site.

Similar to what Issuu is doing.

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Glad to see you’ve decided to join our ranks! Welcome :wave:

Many thanks for adding your idea to the Wishlist and sharing an example!

I see that it would be a nice addition to our app collection. If other users support this idea too, we’ll try to take it into consideration in our future updates.

We’ll keep you posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey there @Hauk_Marki :wave:

We are excited to announce that the Flipbook widget is already live!!!

Find more details in our post - [NEW WIDGET]: Give your PDFs fresh look with interactive Flipbook :rocket:

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I am not sure what is the text stuff feature is for

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Hi there @user10135 :wave:

Do you mean the texts in the Edit Texts section?


If it is, these phrases are displayed when hovering on a flipbook control. You can adjsut them to your liking or manually translate to the needed language:
