Change font for all elements (YouTube Gallery)

Add this code to the Custom CSS field on the Appearance tab of your YouTube Gallery widget’s settings:

.global-styles, .yottie-widget-inner {
  font-family: sans-serif !important;

You’re welcome to set any other font, providing it is supported by your browser and added to your website.

Guys, if this code was helpful to you, please drop a line in the comments. Your feedback helps us improve our services and provide better solutions :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max,

This seems to have fixed the font for the widget but it doesn’t change the font for the popup window. Any suggestions for that?

Thank you

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Hi @user5205 :wave:

I’ve added this code to the Custom CSS field of your widget’s settings:

.global-styles, .yottie-popup .yottie-popup-inner {
font-family: sans-serif !important;

Check it out and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max,

This worked perfectly! Thank you for the help and the insanely fast reply. Definitely makes me feel more confident using Elfsight as a recent subscriber.

Much appreciated!


Thank you so much for your amazing feedback!

If anything comes up, we are always here for you :wink:

I tried this too and it worked Max, thanks very much. Ignore my previous request.

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You are welcome :slightly_smiling_face: