Change color of link in all-in-one chat widget

I’m wondering if anyone out there has added a link to the all-in-one chat, and if so, is it possible to change the color of the link. Currently, the link shows up as bright white, and it is barely noticeable against the light gray. Ive never seen a white link before. is this something on my end or elfsight?

anny help is appreciated

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Hi @Brandan_Lyons :wave:

I’ve checked your widget and see only a blue link:

Could you please confirm if you’ve managed to change the color? If it’s not the link you mean, please send me a screenshot of the link in question :slightly_smiling_face:

@Max Thank you for checking this out! It is still showing up as white on our end, but the link does seem to be working.

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Is the link still white on your website or in the editor as well?

Anyway, you can try to clear cache, cookies or check your widget in incognito mode.

If the issue still persists, please send me a direct link to the webpage where your widget is installed?

Hi Max,
thanks for the advice. unfortunately, it still appears to be white, both on my MAC, PC, and Iphone. My wife and my parents are all seeing the same thing. see teh screenshots

here is the shot from my phone

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I see the issue and I am so sorry!

I’ve forwarded your request to our devs. Rest assured, I’ll keep you updated here :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Brandan_Lyons :wave:

We’ve fixed the issue by adding this code to the Custom CSS field:

[class*='Bubble__BubbleComponent-sc'] {
  padding: 0 !important;

[class^='ChatLayout__Message-sc'] a {
  color: #0000ee;
  text-decoration: underline;

Check it out and let me know if it’s fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Max! Elfsight rocks!!!


Thank you for your kind feedback!

You are always welcome :wink: