Can You Upload Google Reviews To Each Corresponding Product Page?

  • Issue description:

We haven’t installed the widget on our website yet because we have a functionality question.
We are a product based business and we have 50 Google Reviews for our various products. Is it possible to upload and filter each review so they are attached to the corresponding product reviewed?

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
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Welcome to the Community @Doc_D :wave:

If I understood right, you have one Google Business with 50 different reviews for 50 different products.

In this case, you’ll need to create 50 Google Reviews widgets and show reviews specific to each product by applying filters.

Please let me know if this clarifies things or if you have any questions left :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for your reply!

To be clear, we have 6 products so we will need 6 widgets. Once we install those on their appropriate product pages, we can upload and filter the reviews so they correspond to each featured product, is this correct?

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Yep, you are right!

If any further questions come up, we are here to help :wink: