Block download images from right click

The idea is to block the right-click option on the images to prevent them from being downloaded and reused without our consent. (If it is also possible that you can cancel the double click on the price of the product to avoid being adulterated).

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@P_R_E_L welcome to the community and thank you for your suggestion!

Am I right that you’d want to have a whole widget through which you can prevent particular areas/items on your website from being right-clicked?

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Hi Helga…
Thank you very much in advance for your welcome and prompt response!
Correct… I need to block the right click button on the images and the prices to avoid possible vices of certain users (The idea is that registered images cannot be downloaded or prices can be changed from the development tools). I think Shopify has a similar app. Maybe you can take a look at it for inspiration :wink:

I leave you my website so you can work the idea in context:

Thanks, again…

Patrick from Anartism®

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Hi Patrick, many thanks for all the details provided!

I see your point and I guess such an option would be really useful in a lot of use cases. We’ll try to consider your suggestion in the future, but I’m afraid the timeline is unclear due to a great deal of current projects and tasks :frowning:

But we just love getting your ideas, so thank you very much for sharing! They do help us go in the right direction :slight_smile: