Birthday Contest: 12 Winners, 12 Free Years with Elfsight! 🎁

Happy Birthday, Elfsight! :tada: Here’s to many more years of innovation and success! :partying_face:

I’ve been an Elfsight user for over 3 years and I absolutely love the ongoing developments and new features you keep rolling out! Elfsight is truly one of the SaaS platforms that is worth every penny.


A team of programmers, fueled by questionable pizza and copious amounts of caffeine, dreamt of a future
a future filled with widgets! Widgets for every website woe, widgets to make buttons pop and galleries sing!

Fast forward through late nights, bug squashing heroics, and enough coffee to fill a swimming pool, and Elfsight was born! Their widgets, as sleek as a singing chipmunk and twice as useful, took the internet by storm. Websites everywhere sported Elfsight creations, their functionality a digital symphony (think “We Will Rock You” by Queen, but with more pop-ups).

Today, on Elfsight’s 12th birthday, we celebrate their widgety wonders! May their code forever compile, their designs forever dazzle, and their support team remain the chillest bunch of binary wranglers this side of the Mississippi (cue celebratory air horn noises). Here’s to you, Elfsight, for making websites less like a cluttered attic and more like a beautifully organized filing cabinet
with pop-ups!


On the 12th day of christmas my true love gave to me ELFSIGHTS 12TH BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY


Joyeux anniversaire Ă  Elfsight et Ă  toute l’équipe qui y travaille.
GrĂące Ă  vous et votre gentillesse l’amicale du troisiĂšme Ăąge dont je m’occupe bĂ©nĂ©volement a pu bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’un widget qui annonce les Ă©vĂšnements et les activitĂ©s de mon association.
DĂ©solĂ© d’écrire en français, mon anglais n’est pas riche.
Bonne continuation et surtout ne changez rien, restez comme vous ĂȘtes, merveilleux !

Happy birthday to Elfsight and the entire team working there.
Thanks to you and your kindness, the senior citizens’ association that I look after on a voluntary basis was able to benefit from a widget which announces the events and activities of my association.
Sorry to write in French, my English is not rich.
Good luck and above all don’t change anything, stay as you are, wonderful!


Happy birthday! May this be your first of many successful years in providing clients with superior service!


Hey guys :wave:

Our challenge is finished, and we’ve announced the winners here - 12th Birthday Contest: Our winners!

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