Appointment Booking translation

I do have a question about the Edit Text option. I use the Dutch version and there is only one textline in white (Verbergen) and the rest of the text is in grey. I noticed that this occurs for every other language than English (US).
When I choose the English (US) version, all text seems adaptable, but when I want to change the text, f.e. Phone into mobile, after typing one character, the screen “disappears” for an instance and “returns”. This also happens in the Dutch version. I use a Macbook Air.

Kind regards, Alexandra Mooijaart

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Hi there @Alexandra_Mooijaart :wave:

You see, only the English translation is available in the widget for now. However, we are actively working on adding more translations and, hopefully, it will be done quite soon.

So, you can manually add the needed equivalents or just wait until the required translation will be available in the widget :slightly_smiling_face:

As for the disappearing screen issue, unfortunately, I couldn’t catch it. Could you please send me a video screencast of the issue?

Pls find attached the video.

Kind regards, Alexandra

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Thank you!

I’ll check it with the devs and will get back to you a bit later :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep, our devs are aware of this issue and they are working on its resolution.

I’ll report back once the fix is applied :wink:

Hi there @Alexandra_Mooijaart :wave:

Thank you for waiting!

Our devs fixed the issue with the disappearing screen in the Edit Texts section. Please check it out and let me know if it’s fine on your end now :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max,

The widget is up & running in dutch on my website. :smiley:

Thanks for letting me know.

Kind regards, Alexandra

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