- Issue description:
Hi everyone, with All in One Reviews widget, are you able to add reviews from multiple Google Business Listings? For example many of our clients have one website but may have 2 or more Google Business listings… is it possible to show the reviews from 2 or more listings, and if so can they be segregated by location? Thank you! - Link to the page with the widget in question:
Hi there, @Bryan_Bloom
Sure! You can display reviews from different Google businesses. You should add the first source and after that the 2nd one:
In a general view, the reviews from 2 sources will be mixed. However, you can set a title for each location and enable Tabs on the Header tab of your widget’s settings:
This way, users will be able to click on the needed tab to see the reviews for the specific business only. Test it out and let me know if you have any further questions
Thank you so so much!! This is amazing!
Awesome, you’re always welcome
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