Adding an information bubble such as an i in a circle that can be hovered over to read a hint or explanation about that section of the form. So that the form doesn’t have to have a lot of text automatically, but customers can get more information if they don’t understand the form section prompt.
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Hi @Ron5
Many thanks for sharing your idea with us!
Do I understand correctly that it should look like a hint feature in our Pricing Table app?
Yes, exactly like that type of hint!
Thank you,
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@Ron5 Thank you!
We’ll try to consider this idea in our future updates. Please do not worry, we’ll keep you on top of the news here
It looks like this has been implemented which is great; however, when I edit the text - the hint icon automatically goes to the next line no matter how short or long the text is.
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Welcome to the Community @mpriess
Could you please send me a direct link to the page where your widget is installed? I’ll be happy to check it for you