For the “Form Builder” widget, it would be great if we could add fields that include the “conditional Logic” option in the “Success Message” section.
Unless there is a way to do it?
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Hi there @Nicolas_COUDERT
Interesting idea, thanks for sharing! Could you please elaborate on your use case and specify what you’d like to achieve with this functionality?
This info would be tremendously helpful
Hello Max,
I use the “form builder” for a satisfaction survey. Once the person has completed and sent their questionnaire and it is in the “successful message” section, I would like to be able to suggest that they visit an internet page, but the proposed page must be relevant based on their responses in the questionnaire.
Hence the need to include a “conditional logic” option in the “success message” section
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Got you!
We’ll try our best to consider this opportunity in the future updates. I’ll keep you posted in case of any news